BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY MONDAY, MAY 27, 2013 MEMORIAL DAY ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME RECORD LOW MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES IN VERMONT RECORD LOW TEMPERATURE OF 37F ON SUNDAY MORNING MEASURABLE RAINFALL FOR 8 CONSECUTIVE DAYS ENDS VERY SUNNY AND TURNING MUCH WARMER TODAY Record low maximum temperatures in the 40's were recorded in northern New England on Saturday with the most records set in Vermont. Snowfall totals were record amounts for late season in northeastern New York and Vermont especially at the highest elevations. One specific amount was the 13 inches at Mt. Mansfield, Vermont. Other very high elevations were reported to have had up to 20 inches or more. LOW MINIMUM TMEMPERATURE EQUALED AT 37F HERE AT BLUE HILL The morning low temperature fell to 37F at the summit Sunday, equaled the record low for May 26 set in 1972. This was the first time a low temperature record was set or equaled since October 13 of last year. The unsettled weather conditions of the past week have left a total of 1.60 inches of rain with measurable rainfall on 8 consecutive days from May 19-26. Our total was much less than the 2 to 4 inches which was recorded all around us to the south, west and north. High temperatures today reached 70 degrees today after very cool maxima of 50 and 58 degrees on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Today's observations: 7 A.M. Weather: Clear, few cirrus distant N-E Temperature: 52F; Dew Point: 39F; Wind: W at 10 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.13 ins. Hg, rising Visibility: 60 miles, light distant haze 6-hr min. temp: 41F 24-hr precip: 0.01 inch BHO SA 1155 CLR 60 203/52/39/2810/013/ FEW CI DSNT N-E LGT DSNT HZ/ 8/001 51008 MANUAL 70001 10052 20041 10 A.M. Weather: Clear, few small cumulus forming Temperature: 63F; Dew Point: 34F; Wind: WNW at 16G25 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.13 ins. Hg, falling slightly Visibility: 60 miles, light distant haze BHO SA 1455 CLR 60 204/63/34/2916G25/013/ FEW SML CU FRMG ALQDS LGT DSNT HZ/ 8/100 58001 1 P.M. Weather: Thin scattered cirrus, few cumulus fractus/cumulus except to the NE-SE Temperature: 68F; Dew Point: 35F; Wind: W at 15G25 kts, Wind: Direction variable WSW-NW Sea-level pressure: 30.11 ins. Hg, rising then rising more slowly Visibility: 70 miles, light distant haze 6-hour max temp: 69F BHO SA 1755 250 –SCT 70 196/68/35/2815G25/011/ FEW CUFRA/CU XCPT NE-SE LGT DSNT HZ WND 24V31/ 8/101 56008 10069 20052 WEATHER SUMMARY FOR SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....58 NORMAL.....69 MIN.....37 NORMAL.....51 MEAN....48 NORMAL.....60 DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL...................-12 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH...................+27 [+0.8 DEGREE/DAY] HEATING DEGREE DAYS TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR YESTERDAY............17 DEPARTURE.........+11 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE MONTH...........202 DEPARTURE.........-39 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE SEASON.........5724 DEPARTURE........-551 TOTAL HEATING UNITS LAST SEASON TO DATE....4888 DIFFERENCE.......+836 PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY...............44 NW AT 4:28 P.M. AERO....................44 NW AT 4:28 P.M. ASOS....................46 NW AT 4:29 P.M. DAVIS...................44 WNW AT 4:29 P.M. RMY: 45 FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY.................29 WNW AT 4:30 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE..............29 NW AT 4:40 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE.............29 WNW AT 4:30 P.M. AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION.........17.1 WNW ASOS..................15.9 DAVIS.................14.6 WNW [290 deg] PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.01 DEPARTURE...........-0.14 ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........2.54 DEPARTURE...........-0.82 TOTAL ASOS PRECIPITATION FOR MONTH.........2.46 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........18.92 DEPARTURE...........-2.99 ASOS..............N/A* *ASOS malfunctioned during storm on 2/8-9, leading to erroneous totals SNOWFALL (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL SNOWFALL 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M.........0.0 DEPARTURE.............0.0 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE MONTH...............0.0 DEPARTURE.............0.0 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE SEASON.............99.0 DEPARTURE...........+36.3 PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR MAY 2013 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust RMY: RMY = R.M. Young wind gust recording system added 8/9/2011 TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized 5/1 67/45/56/+3/0.00/845/100 18 E AERO 16 MPH E RMY 17 5/2 75/43/59/+6/T/669/79 29 NE AERO 26 MPH NE RMY 29 5/3 54/42/48/-5/0.00/706/83 24 NE AERO 25 MPH NE RMY 28 5/4 55/40/48/-6/0.00/843/99 21 NE AERO 23 MPH NE RMY 23 5/5 58/37/48/-6/0.00/752/88 17 ENE AERO 17 MPH ENE RMY 20 5/6 66/40/53/-1/0.00/600/70 17 S AERO 18 MPH S RMY 20 5/7 77/50/64/+9/0.00/807/94 21 S AERO 23 MPH S RMY 25 5/8 71/55/63/+8/0.42/112/13 31 SSE AERO 35 MPH SSE RMY 35 TSTM 5/9 66/56/61/+6/0.41/078/09 16 NE AERO 16 MPH NE RMY 18 TSTM 5/10 79/54/67/+12/T/333/63 18 S AERO 21 MPH S RMY N/A 5/11 70/56/63/+7/0.06/026/03 43 SSW AERO 44 MPH SSW RMY 46 5/12 71/47/59/+3/0.05/339/39 30 W AERO 32 MPH W RMY 32 5/13 60/41/51/-5/0.00/821/94 25 WSW AERO 28 MPH WSW RMY 30 5/14 58/38/48/-9/T/385/44 22 W AERO 24 MPH W RMY 25 5/15 65/41/53/-4/0.02/456/52 35 S AERO 38 MPH S RMY 40 5/16 80/51/66/+9/0.00/844/96 40 W AERO 45 MPH W RMY 42 5/17 69/50/60/+3/0.00/872/99 24 NW AERO 28 MPH NW RMY 27 5/18 73/47/60/+2/0.00/689/78 21 SE AERO 24 MPH SE RMY 24 5/19 71/50/61/+3/0.11/407/46 21 S AERO 23 MPH S RMY 24 5/20 81/54/68/+10/0.01/496/56 21 S AERO 21 MPH S RMY N/A 5/21 81/49/65/+6/0.14/506/57 29 NE AERO 31 MPH NE RMY 32 TSTM 5/22 66/48/57/-3/0.04/.../.. 27 WNW AERO 25 MPH WNW RMY N/A 5/23 74/53/64/+5/..../.../.. 35 S AERO 39 MPH S RMY 40 5/24 68/49/59/0/..../.../.. 33 S AERO 35 MPH S RMY N/A 5/25 50/39/45/-15/..../000/00 32 NW* AERO 35 MPH NW RMY 32 5/26 58/37/48/-12/..../.../.. 44 NW AERO 44 MPH NW RMY 45 5/27 morning low temp: 41F; the normal low is now 51F * direction of peak wind gust corrected from NE to NW on 25th DAILY RECORDS FOR MAY 2013 5/26- TIED DAILY RECORD MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 37F; the record of 37F set in 1972. DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated): RECORDS FOR MAY 27 HIGH 92F IN 1914 LOW 36F IN 1915 PRECIP 1.40 INS IN 1898 PEAK GUST 55 S IN 1956 RECORDS FOR MAY 28 HIGH 90F IN 1929 LOW 39F IN 1917 PRECIP 2.48 INS 1906 PEAK GUST 51e MPH NE IN 1946 TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED BY: Robert Skilling