BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY SATURDAY, JULY 6, 2013 ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   YOU GUESSED IT: HOT HAZY AND HUMID!   Another day of heat and high dew points graced us here on Great Blue Hill today, but we are looking unlikely to continue the streak of 90+ F days to three and establish an official "heat wave." Temps have hovered around 88 F for most of the late morning and early afternoon as westerly winds deliver more of the same air mass we've become so familiar with lately. Cloud cover built throughout the day with this morning's clear skies giving way to cumulus fractus and later some moderate cumulus.   Today's Observations:   7 A.M. Weather: Clear, few cirrus/cirrostratus distant all quads, few altocumulus distant N-NE Temperature: 79F; Dew Point: 73F; Wind: WSW at 8 kts. Sea-level pressure: 30.10 ins. Hg, rising then rising more slowly Visibility: 30 miles, hazy 6-hour min. temp: 73F BHO SA 1155 CLR 30 193/79/73/2508/010/ FEW CI/CS DSNT ALQDS FEW AC DSNT N-NE HAZY/ 8/011 51005 10079 20073   10 A.M. Weather: Scattered cumulus, few altocumulus overhead, cirrus/cirrostratus distant all quads Temperature: 85F; Dew Point: 73F; Wind: W at 8 kts, Sea-level pressure: 30.07 ins. Hg, rising then falling Visibility: 45 miles, hazy Heat Index: 86F BHO SA 1455 080 SCT 45 183/85/73/2808/007/ FEW AC OVHD CI/CS DSNT ALQDS HAZY HEAT INDEX 86/ 8/212 58010   1 P.M. Weather: Scattered cumulus mediocris and fractus, thin broken cirrus Temperature: 89F; Dew Point: 71F; Wind: W at 10 kts, Sea-level pressure: 30.04 ins. Hg, falling steadily Visibility: 70 miles, hazy 6-hour max. temp: 89F Heat Index: 95F BHO SA 1755 60 SCT 300 –BKN 70 174/89/71/2810/004/ MDT CU AND CUFRA ALQDS HAZY HEAT INDEX 95/ 8/201 57009 10089 20079   WEATHER SUMMARY FOR FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....92     NORMAL.....80 MIN.....73     NORMAL.....62 MEAN....83     NORMAL.....71   DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL....................+12 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH....................+34 [+6.8 DEGREES/DAY]   PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY................24 W   AT  3:17 P.M.                    AERO.....................25 SW  AT  3:20 P.M. *                    ASOS.....................25 WSW AT  3:17 P.M.                    DAVIS....................25 WSW AT  3:16 P.M. RMY 25 FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY..................18 SW  AT  5:55 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE...............18 SW  AT  5:56 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE..............18 SW  AT  4:45 P.M. AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION..........12.0 WSW                    ASOS...................11.6                    DAVIS..................10.9 WSW [236 deg] * last of several occurrences....   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00   DEPARTURE...........-0.11                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........0.05   DEPARTURE...........-0.49                          ASOS..............0.05 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........32.25   DEPARTURE...........+4.74                          ASOS..............N/A* *ASOS malfunctioned during storm on 2/8-9, leading to erroneous totals        PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR JULY 2013 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust RMY:  RMY = R.M. Young wind gust recording system added 8/9/2011 TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized                               7/1  82/69/76/+6/0.05/.../..         29 S   AERO 31 MPH SSW RMY 32 7/2  82/61/72/+2/T/.../..            23 SSW AERO 23 MPH SSW RMY 25 7/3  87/62/75/+4/T/.../..            28 SW  AERO 30 MPH SW  RMY 30 7/4  90/71/81/+10/0.00/.../..        25 WSW AERO 26 MPH SW  RMY 28 7/5  92/73/83/+12/0.00/.../..        24 W   AERO 25 MPH WSW RMY 25   7/6 morning low temp: 73F; the normal low is now 62F   DAILY RECORDS FOR JULY 2013 None so far.   DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR JULY 6 HIGH 99F IN 2010 LOW 47F IN 1979 PRECIP 1.43 INCHES IN 2005 PEAK GUST 56e MPH NNW IN 1942, 56 MPH WNW IN 1999   RECORDS FOR JULY 7 HIGH 97F IN 1908,1993 LOW 48F IN 1902 PRECIP 2.11 INCHES IN 1966 PEAK GUST 55 MPH NW IN 1989   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED BY: Forrest Iwanik & Will Wilson