BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02186 ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2009 ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   TEMPERATURES HAVE FALLEN BELOW NORMAL FOUR INCHES OF SNOW REMAIN FROM THE WEEKEND STORM   With the exception of December 1, which averaged just one degree below normal, yesterday was our first colder than normal day since the first week of Nov- ember.  The weekend snowfall was 5.3 inches with about 4.7 inches through midnight Saturday night and the additional 0.6 inch in the very early hours of Sunday. The precipitation total for the event was 0.88 inch. Four inches of snow remain on the summit today with temperatures continuing colder than normal and only up to 36F by early afternoon. There has been just a little sunshine through layers of dense middle and high cloudiness.     Today's observations:   7 A.M. Weather: Scattered dense cirrus, scattered thin cirrus, few altocumulus, thin fog all quadrants   Temperature: 26F, Dew point: 20F, Wind: SW at 8 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.32 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 20 miles, thin fog all quadrants 6-hour minimum temp: 25F 24-hour precipitation: 0.00 inches 24-hour snowfall: 0.0 inches Total snow depth: 4 inches BHO SA 1155 200 SCT 250 SCT 20 268/26/20/2208/032/ FEW AC THN FG ALQDS INVSN PRSNT/ 8/046 4/004 58004 10026 20025   10 A.M. Weather: Scattered dense cirrus, overcast cirrus and cirrostratus, thin spots in overcast overhead and north thru east, partial halo, and parahelion (sun dog)   Temperature: 33F, Dew point: 23F, Wind: SSW at 8 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.32 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 20 miles, hazy BHO SA 1455 220 SCT E250 OVC 20 267/33/23/2008/032/ THN SPTS IOVC OVHD-N-E PARTIAL HALO PARAHELION HAZY/ 8/007 58001    1 P.M. Weather: Overcast altostratus, few stratocumulus to the distant SE-SSE, few bright spots in overcast, sun occasionally dimly visible   Temperature: 35F, Dew point: 25F, Wind: SSW at 6 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.24 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 25 miles, hazy 6-hour maximum temp: 36F BHO SA 1755 E140 OVC 25 241/35/25/2006/024/ FEW SC DSNT SSE-S FEW BRGHT SPTS IOVC SUN OCNL DMLY VSB HAZY ALQDS / 8/52/ 58026 10036 20026     WEATHER SUMMARY FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....33     NORMAL.....41 MIN.....25     NORMAL.....27 MEAN....29     NORMAL.....34   DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR AVERAGE.............-5 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH.............+34  [+5.5 DEGREES/DAY]   HEATING DEGREE DAYS TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR YESTERDAY............36    DEPARTURE........+5 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE MONTH...........145    DEPARTURE.......-34 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE SEASON.........1305    DEPARTURE......-163 TOTAL HEATING UNITS LAST SEASON TO DATE....1407    DIFFERENCE.....-102   PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY.............36 NW  AT  1:03 A.M.                      AEROVANE..............38 NW  AT  1:07 A.M.                    ASOS..................38 NNW AT  1:07 A.M.                       DAVIS.................40 WNW AT  1:03 A.M.  THE FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY...........25 NW  AT  1:03 A.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE............25 NNW AT  1:05 A.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE...........23 NW  AT  1:05 A.M.  AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION.......14.6 WNW                     ASOS................14.9                    DAVIS...............13.9 W [280 DEG]   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00   DEPARTURE....-0.15                          ASOS..............0.90 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........1.97   DEPARTURE....+1.07                          ASOS..............2.07 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........51.54   DEPARTURE....+3.98                          ASOS.............52.83                   SNOWFALL (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL SNOWFALL 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M..........5.3  DEPARTURE.....+5.0 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE MONTH................5.3  DEPARTURE.....+3.9 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE SEASON...............8.3  DEPARTURE.....+4.0                                                 PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER 2009 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SNOW/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust when significant TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized   12/1  41/28/35/-1/0/0/.../..       29 NW  12/2  51/33/42/+6/../../.../..     30 SSE 12/3  67/47/57/+22/../../.../..    69 SSE  AERO 73 SSE 12/4  52/40/46/+11/0/../.../..     26 W 12/5  42/30/36/+1/0.79/4.7/000/00  36 N 12/6  33/25/29/-5/0.09/0.6/.../..  36 NW   12/7  our morning low temp: 25F; the normal low is now 27F   NEW DAILY RECORD FOR DECEMBER 2009 12/3 NEW RECORD HIGH MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE of 67F;      surpasses previous record of 61F in 1932, 1950.   DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 7 HIGH 74 IN 1998 LOW 6 IN 1906 PRECIP 1.67 INS. IN 1953 SNOWFALL 4.0 INS. IN 1886 PEAK GUST 76e SE IN 1976   RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 8 HIGH 62 IN 1966 LOW -4 IN 1906 PRECIP 1.54 INS. IN 1969 SNOWFALL 2.5 INS. IN 2001 PEAK GUST 78e W IN 1979   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED BY: Robert Skilling