BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02186 ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2009 ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   NOVEMBER 2009 MONTHLY STATS Temp: Deg. F   Av.Max. 52.9 Av.Min. 40.7  Mean    46.8 [+5.0] Mean corrected to 24 hours: 46.4  Highest: 68 on 9th Lowest:  29 on 7th Total heating units: 539  [-159] Total this season:   1160 [-129] Total precipitation: 4.46 ins. [-0.18]  Total snowfall:      0.0  ins. [-2.7 ] Seasonal total:      3.0  ins. [+0.1 ] Sunshine: total astronomical minutes: 6828 or 113.8 hours or 39% Sunshine: total Campbell-Stokes card minutes: 6594 or 109.9 hours or 39%    Average November sunshine on long-term record: 47% Average wind speed: 12.1 MPH (uncorrected) and 12.5 MPH (corrected) Prevailing direction: W 15% Peak gust: 55 MPH W on 28th.   The warmth is the story for November, especially the minimum temperatures.  The month ties for the 3rd warmest on record, and the average minimum temperature of 40.7 ties for the warmest on record. Also, the November average minimum temperature was only 1.0 degree below the average minimum for October 2009 of 41.7.  This is the smallest difference on record between the average minimum temperatures in October and November.  On average, November minimums are nearly 10 degrees colder than October.  The lowest temperature during November of 29 was the warmest on record, surpassing 28 set in 1998.  There were only 2 days with minimum temperatures at or below freezing during November (the 6th with 31 and the 7th with 29). This ties a record for the fewest number of freezing days in November previously set in 1948.   Warmest November Mean Temperature (deg F)   1) 47.4 in 1975 2) 47.1 in 2006 3) 46.4 in 1948    46.4 in 1979    46.4 in 2009 6) 46.0 in 2001   Warmest November Average Minimum Temp (deg F)   1) 40.7 in 2006    40.7 in 2009 3) 40.2 in 1948 4) 40.1 in 1975 5) 39.3 in 1979   Warmest November Monthly Minimum Temp (deg F)   1) 29 in 2009 2) 28 in 1998 3) 27 in 1975    27 in 1983 5) 26 in 1953    26 in 2006   Fewest Number of Days in November at or Below Freezing   1) 2 in 1948    2 in 2009 3) 5 in 1979 4) 6 in 1970 5) 7 in 1931    7 in 1953    7 in 2006   Precipitation in November was unremarkable with 4.46 inches, which is slightly more than the long-term average, except for a daily rainfall record set on the 14th with 2.08 inches. This surpassed 1.87 inches in 1972 on that date.  There was no measurable snowfall in November, which happens about one-third of the time. The corrected mean wind speed of 12.5 mph W ties for the 3rd slowest on record with 2006.  The mean wind speed for the year to date is 12.3 mph, which is just slightly higher than the 12.2 mph for Jan-Nov set in 2008.    Lowest November Wind Speed (mph)   1) 12.1 in 1992    12.1 in 2000 3) 12.5 in 2006    12.5 in 2009 5) 12.8 in 1996   November sunshine of 39 percent is well below the 110-year average of 47 percent, but this is not among the ten lowest (16th cloudiest).  Sunshine for the year to date is 51%, which is about 1 percent below the long-term average.   Today's observations:   7 A.M. Weather: Clear, cirrus southeast thru southwest Temperature: 35F, Dew point: 29F, Wind: SSW at 8 kts, Sea-level pressure: 30.20 inches Hg, rising Visibility: 20 miles, very thin fog below inversion, hazy  6-hour minimum temp: 33F 24-hour precipitation: 0.00 BHO SA 1155 CLR 20 226/35/29/2108/020/ CI SE-SW VRY THN FG BLO INVSN HAZY/ 8/001 53015 10035 20033   10 A.M. Weather: High thin overcast   Temperature: 42F, Dew point: 31F, Wind: SSW at 7 kts, Sea-level pressure: 30.21 inches Hg, steady Visibility: 15 miles, hazy, thin smoke layer NW-NE, double layered inversion visible NW-NE BHO SA 1455 220 SCT 250 –OVC 15 230/42/31/2107/021/ BINOVC N-NE DOUBLE INVSN ESTMD TOP LWR 8 HND UPPER ESTMTD 15 HND OVR CTY N THK K LYR NW-NE HAZY ALQDS/ 8/007 51004   1 P.M. Weather: High dense overcast cirrus and cirrostratus with a few thin spots in overcast overhead Temperature: 50F, Dew point: 39F, Wind: S at 10 kts, Wind: Direction variable SSE-SSW Sea-level pressure: 30.13 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 20 miles, hazy, thin smoke layer NW-NE  6-hour maximum temp: 50F BHO SA 1755 220 SCT E250 OVC 20 203/50/39/1810/013/ FEW LWR DENS CI FEW THN SPTS IOVC OVHD THN K LYR NW-NE HAZY ALQDS WND 15V21/ 8/007 58027 10050 20035   WEATHER SUMMARY FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....41     NORMAL.....43 MIN.....28     NORMAL.....29 MEAN....35     NORMAL.....36   DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR AVERAGE.............-1 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH..............-1  [-1.0 DEGREES/DAY]   HEATING DEGREE DAYS TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR YESTERDAY............30    DEPARTURE........+1 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE MONTH............30    DEPARTURE......-158 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE SEASON.........1190    DEPARTURE......-128 TOTAL HEATING UNITS LAST SEASON TO DATE....1264    DIFFERENCE......-74   PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY.............29 NW  AT  2:38 A.M. *                      AEROVANE..............28 NW  AT  2:38 A.M. *                     ASOS..................28 NNW AT  2:39 A.M.                       DAVIS................ 30 WNW AT  2:20 A.M.    THE FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY...........19 NW  AT  2:37 A.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE............20 NW  AT  2:40 A.M.       MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE...........21 NW  AT  2:40 A.M.     AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION.........11.9  SW                     ASOS................  11.1                    DAVIS...............  11.1  W [270 DEG] * last of several occurrences   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00   DEPARTURE....-0.15                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........0.00   DEPARTURE....-0.15                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........49.57   DEPARTURE....+2.76                          ASOS.............50.76                   SNOWFALL (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL SNOWFALL 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M..........0.0  DEPARTURE.....-0.2 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE MONTH................0.0  DEPARTURE.....-2.9 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE SEASON...............3.0  DEPARTURE.....-0.1                                                 PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER 2009 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust when significant TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized   11/1  58/44/51/+4/0.05/167/27   22 WNW   11/2  49/42/46/0/T/099/16       29 NE 11/3  57/36/47/+1/0/474/77      32 W    AERO 32 MPH W     11/4  49/34/42/-4/0/514/84      24 W 11/5  46/36/41/-4/0.01/006/01   21 N 11/6  47/31/39/-6/0/419/69      38 WNW  AERO 38 MPH WNW 11/7  49/29/39/-6/0/575/95      33 S 11/8  66/42/54/+10/0/549/91     31 SSW 11/9  68/49/59/+15/0/486/81     35 S    AERO 35 MPH S 11/10 62/50/56/+12/0/000/00     23 SW  11/11 50/43/47/+4/0/113/19      31 NNE 11/12 49/41/45/+2/0/125/21      34 NE   AERO 31 MPH NNE 11/13 49/44/47/+4/0/000/00      39 NNE  AERO 37 MPH NNE 11/14 59/49/54/+12/2.08/000/00  39 NE   AERO 38 MPH NE 11/15 60/52/56/+14/0.06/012/02  18 W 11/16 56/43/50/+8/0/527/90      30 NW   AERO 31 MPH NW 11/17 47/35/41/0/0/576/99       28 WNW 11/18 49/34/42/+1/0/313/54      15 SSW 11/19 59/41/50/+9/0/226/39      30 SE 11/20 65/44/55/+15/0.57/219/38  40 W    AERO 41 MPH W 11/21 55/41/48/+8/0/373/65      25 SW  11/22 49/38/44/+4/0/292/51      28 ENE  11/23 47/42/45/+6/0.22/000/00   33 NE   AERO 31 MPH ENE 11/24 46/44/45/+6/0.11/000/00   33 NE   AERO 30 MPH NE 11/25 47/43/45/+6/0.10/000/00   21 N 11/26 50/44/47/+9/0.01/000/00   22 N 11/27 44/39/42/+4/0.93/000/00   48 W    AERO 48 MPH W 11/28 49/38/44/+7/0.08/191/34   55 WNW  AERO 54 MPH W 11/29 52/37/45/+8/0/561/100     29 WSW 11/30 53/36/45/+8/0.24/011/02   29 SSE    12/1  41/28/35/-1/0/0/.../..    29 NW  12/2  our morning low temp: 33F; the normal low temp. is now 28F   NEW DAILY RECORD FOR NOVEMBER 2009 11/14: NEW RECORD DAILY RAINFALL 2.08 INCHES;       surpasses previous 1.87 inches in 1972.     DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 2 HIGH 61 IN 1998 LOW 3 IN 1890 PRECIP 2.09 INS. IN 1974 SNOWFALL 5.0 INS. IN 1894,1929 PEAK GUST 89e MPH SSE IN 1942   RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 3 HIGH 61 IN 1932,1950 LOW  -1 IN 1890 PRECIP 2.10 INS. IN 1986 SNOWFALL 6.0 INS. IN 1963 PEAK GUST 73e MPH W IN 1942   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED BY: Robert Skilling