BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02186 ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2007    ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   VERY SUNNY, BUT COOLER TODAY AND CONTINUED VERY DRY VISIBILITY UP TO 80 TO 90 MILES--DEWPOINTS IN 40's   Today is another day in our long, long stretch of dry weather days and again we have very sunny weather but much cooler weather than yesterday with temperatures in the middle 70's early this afternoon after a high of 85F yesterday.  Dewpoints have been dropping through the 40's.  Visibility is back up to 80 to 90 miles like it was just two days ago.   Today's observations:   7 A.M.   Weather: Clear, cirrus W-NNE increasing, light haze decreasing  Temperature: 67F, Dew point: 55F, Wind: NW at 08 kts Wind: gradually veering past hour Sea-level pressure: 29.96 inches Hg, rising Visibility: 40 miles, 55 WNW, light haze dissipating 6-hour min temp: 63F 24-hour rainfall: 0.00 BHO SA 1155 CLR 40 145/67/55/3208/996/ FEW ACSL E CI LYR W-NNE INCRSNG VSBY WNW 55 LGT HZ DSSPTNG WND GRDLY VEERING PST HR/ 8/045 51021 10067 20063    10 A.M.   Weather: Scattered dense cirrus, thin scattered cirrus Temperature: 72F, Dew point: 49F, Wind: WNW at 10 kts  Wind: gust to 20 kts pst hour, variability W-NNW Sea-level pressure: 29.97 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 40 miles with increasing light haze  BHO SA 1455 220 SCT 250 –SCT 80 148/72/49/3010/997/ ACSL SE-SW PTCHS DNS CI/CC GST TO 20 KTS PST HR WND 27V34/ 8/042 53003   1 P.M.   Weather: Scattered dense cirrus thin broken cirrus, few cumulus SSE-SW     Temperature: 75F, Dew point: 44F, Wind: WNW at 11G18 kts  Wind: Variability W-N Sea-level pressure: 29.97 inches Hg, steady Visibility: 90 miles  6-hour max. temp: 76F   BHO SA 1755 220 SCT 250 –SCT 300 –BKN 90 148/75/44/3011G18/997/ FEW SML CU SSE-SW FEW AC PTCHS DNS CI ALQDS GST TO 24 KTS PST HR WND 26V35/ 8/142 50000 10076 20067   WEATHER SUMMARY FOR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 03 LABOR DAY   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....85    NORMAL.....75 MIN.....57    NORMAL.....57 MEAN....71    NORMAL.....66 DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL.........+5 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH........ +5  [+1.5 deg/day]   PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY..............31 SSW AT 2:43 P.M. *                      AEROVANE...............28 SSW AT 2:43 P.M. *                      ASOS...................N/A  #                    DAVIS..................36 SSW AT 2:43 P.M. FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY............... 24 SSW AT 1:36 P.M.        MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE.............N/A  # MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE............27 SSW AT 2:44 P.M. AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION......... 14.8 SSW                    ASOS...................N/A  #                    DAVIS..................16.1 SSW [210 deg]    * last of several occurrences..   # ASOS WINDS SWITCHED OFF BY NWS 6/6, IT IS NOT KNOWN WHEN   THAT DATA WILL RESUME   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00  DEPARTURE.....-0.13                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........0.00  DEPARTURE.....-0.39                           ASOS..............0.00    TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........30.99  DEPARTURE.....-2.87                          ASOS.............30.23       PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR SEPTEMBER 2007...CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST   AERO: Aerovane recording wind system when significant TSTM: Thunderstorm day ....: Data not yet available 9/1  79/57/68/+1/0/.../..     25 WNW  9/2  78/51/65/-1/0/.../..     22 S 9/3  85/57/71/+5/0/.../..     31 SSW AERO 28 MPH SSW   9/4  morning low temp. of 63F; normal low now 57F   NEW DAILY RECORDS FOR SEPTEMBER 2007:    None to date   DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR SEPTEMBER 4 HIGH 90F IN 1953, 1973 LOW 46F IN 1987 PRECIP 3.22 INCHES IN 1922 PEAK GUST 47 MPH SE IN 1966   RECORDS FOR SEPTEMBER 5 HIGH 90F IN 1971 LOW 45F IN 1906 PRECIP 1.37 INCHES IN 1907 PEAK GUST 46 MPH NW IN 1994   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED By: Robert Skilling