BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02186 ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2007 ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   FIRST FREEZE OF THE SEASON--30 DEGREES THIS MORNING CHILLY AIRMASS ARRIVED YESTERDAY ON GUSTY WNW WINDS RAINFALL DEFICIT FOR OCTOBER CONTINUES TO INCREASE   The first freeze (29.7 degrees) of the season was 9 days beyond the average date.  A general freeze occurred throughout the area and Norwood Airport reported a very frosty 20 degrees while Taunton was 27 degrees. Right along the coast low temperatures remained a few degrees above freezing and Boston's Logan Airport had a minimum of 37 degrees.    The coldest airmass of the season began arriving yesterday on gusty west-northwest winds. Peak wind gusts reached 42 MPH as dewpoints were dropping through the 20's. Yesterday was the first day to average colder than normal since Oct- ober 15th if only by 2 degrees. The month continues to run 7 degrees warmer than normal.     October continues to be drier than normal and, despite the rainfall which totaled 0.66 inch late last week, our monthly total of 2.66 inches is still well over one inch drier than normal. This month will become the sixth consecutive month to have less than average rainfall. Today's observations:   7 A.M.   Weather: Clear, few cumulus, stratocumulus offshore distant ENE-SE Temperature: 31F, Dew point: 22F, Wind: WNW at 9 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.45 inches Hg, rising Visibility: 80 miles 6-hour min temp: 30F 24-hour precipitation: 0.29 inches BHO SA 1155 CLR 80 310/31/22/2909/045/ FEW CU/SC OFFSHR DSNT ENE-SE/ 8/400 51008 10036 20030    10 A.M.   Weather: Thin broken cirrus clouds increasing, cumulus/stratocumulus distant offshore ENE-SE Temperature: 40F, Dew point: 18F, Wind: W at 10G18 kts Wind: Variability WSW-NW Sea-level pressure: 30.45 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 80 miles BHO SA 1455 250 –BKN 80 311/40/18/2810G18/045/ FEW CU/SC OFFSHR DSNT ENE-SE CI INCRSNG PST HR CLR SKY E-S WND 25V31/ 8/406/ 50001   1 P.M.   Weather: Thin broken cirrus Temperature: 47F, Dew point: 17F, Wind: W at 10 kts Wind: Variability WSW-WNW Sea-level pressure: 30.39 inches Hg, falling Visibility: 80 miles 6 hour max. temp. 48F BHO SA 1755 250 –SCT 300 –BKN 80 291/47/17/2710/039/ FEW CC WND 24V30/ 8/001 58020 10048 20031    WEATHER SUMMARY FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....55    NORMAL.....56 MIN.....36    NORMAL.....39 MEAN....46    NORMAL.....48 DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL.........-  2 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH....... .+196 [+6.8 DEGREES/DAY]     PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY............39 WNW AT 3:54 P.M.                              AEROVANE.............42 WNW AT 3:54 P.M.                         ASOS.................38 WNW AT 3:55 P.M.                      DAVIS................40 WNW AT 3:54 P.M.    FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY..............29 WNW AT 3:54 P.M.  MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE...........29 WNW AT 3:56 P.M.      MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE..........31 WNW AT 3:56 P.M.    AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION......16.4 WNW                    ASOS...............15.1                     DAVIS..............16.7 W [280 deg]   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M... 0.00  DEPARTURE.....-0.15                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........2.66  DEPARTURE.....-1.31                           ASOS..............2.71    TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........35.54  DEPARTURE.....-6.03                          ASOS.............34.83     PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR OCTOBER 2007...CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST   AERO: Aerovane recording wind system when significant TSTM: Thunderstorm day ....: Data not yet available   10/1  67/49/58/+1/0/592/84     18 S 10/2  72/50/61/+5/0/323/46     20 SSE 10/3  73/61/67/+11/0/077/11    23 SSE 10/4  84/65/75/+19/0/425/61    21 SSW 10/5  86/61/74/+19/0/618/89    21 SSW 10/6  83/62/73/+18/0/526/76    23 WSW 10/7  71/52/61/+7/0.01/110/16  29 NNE 10/8  58/52/55/+1/0.49/000/00  21 S 10/9  59/50/55/+1/0.10/580/85  29 NNW 10/10 57/50/54/0/0.09/000/00   20 ESE 10/11 58/55/57/+4/0.37/000/00  33 ENE TSTM late evening 10/12 62/42/52/-1/0.18/135/20  42 W   Aero 43 MPH W 10/13 59/37/48/-4/0/665/99     25 WNW 10/14 59/42/51/-1/0/629/94     32 W 10/15 62/38/50/-2/0/426/64     29 WNW   10/16 61/43/52/+1/0/650/98     25 NW 10/17 68/41/55/+4/0/455/69     20 SW 10/18 75/57/66/+15/0/151/23    21 S 10/19 70/63/67/+16/0.60/000/00 47 SSE Aero 51 MPH SSE 10/20 70/54/62/+12/0.19/229/35 43 W   Aero 44 MPH W 10/21 73/51/62/+12/0/643/99    25 SSW 10/22 80/58/69/+19/0/595/92    29 S 10/23 74/58/66/+17/0.02/135/21 52 SSW  Aero 55 MPH SSW 10/24 63/50/57/+8/0.10/000/00  24 NW 10/25 54/48/51/+2/0.01/198/31  22 NNE 10/26 58/44/51/+3/0.01/.../..  25 E  10/27 66/52/59/+11/0.50/000/00 43 S    Aero 44 MPH S 10/28 55/36/46/-2/0/.../..     39 WNW  Aero 42 MPH WNW   10/29 morning low temp. 30F; normal low temp. now 39F       NEW DAILY RECORDS FOR OCTOBER 2007:   10/4 - RECORD HIGH TEMPERATURE 84F; PREVIOUS 83F IN 1898 and 1959.      - EQUALED RECORD HIGH MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 65F; ALSO IN 1927. 10/5 - RECORD HIGH TEMPERATURE 86F; PREVIOUS 85F IN 1922 10/6 - EQUALED RECORD HIGH TEMPERATURE 83F; ALSO IN 1990. 10/19- EQUALED RECORD HIGH MINIMUM TEMPERATURE 63F; PREVIOUS IN 1928. 10/23 -EQUALED RECORD HIGH MINIMUM TEMPERATURE 58F; ALSO IN 1942   DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR OCTOBER 29 HIGH 74 IN 1989 LOW 23 IN 1891 PRECIP 2.27 INCHES IN 1953 SNOWFALL 1.5 INCHES IN 2005 PEAK GUST 69 S IN 2003   RECORDS FOR OCTOBER 30 HIGH 75 IN 1946,1989 LOW 21 IN 1928 PRECIP 1.85 INCHES IN 1917 SNOWFALL 0.6 INCHES IN 2000 PEAK GUST 66 NW IN 1963   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED By: Robert Skilling